Before You Move…
Buying a home and moving is a very busy time—so many things to remember. Use this checklist to jog your memory. Add your own personal list of things to do. Check off the items as they are completed.
Booking the movers:
- You may decide to move yourself or use a moving company. You may want to obtain estimates from several companies for comparison. Be sure to make arrangements well in advance.
- If you own your present home:
- Ask the gas & electric companies to read the meters on the day you leave and forward the bill to your new address.
- If your water heater is rented, arrange for the transfer of the rental agreement to the Buyer.
- Arrange for the disconnection of your water softener, alarm system, telephone and cable TV where applicable.
If you rent your present home:
- Give necessary written notice to your landlord and make arrangements for the return of your security deposit.
At your “new” home:
- Make arrangements for the gas & electric utilities, water softener, telephone & cable TV to be connected on the day the sale closes.
- Prepare a list of friends, relatives, credit card companies, charge accounts, services, etc. Get “change of address” cards well in advance from Post Office and send well before moving date.
- Arrange with Canada Post to forward mail to your new address.
- Arrange for home services to be cancelled and transferred to new address.
- Transfer or cancel memberships or business affiliations.
- Transfer medical, dental, and prescription records.
- Arrange for cancellation of property insurance and arrange for insurance for “new” home.
- Change address on driver’s license effective the day of the move.
- Collect all items out for cleaning, repair or storage.
- Make special arrangements for moving of your pets.
- Dispose safely all flammable liquids.
- Inform gardening, newspapers, magazines, and other home services and arrange for transfer of services.
Personal Checklist
- Orillia Power Corp. (In Town Home)
360 West street St.
705 326 7315
You will need the meter number (starts with “OR”)
- Hydro One (Out of Town Home)–1 888 664 9376
- Bell Canada–310 2355
- Reliance Home Comfort
- Electric hot Water Tank Rental–1 866 735 4262
- Orillia Tax Department–705 329 7239
- Ramara Township–705 484 5374
- Severn Township–705 325 2315
- Oro Medonte Township–705 487 2171
- Rogers–1 888 764 3771
- Union Gas–1 888 774 3111